Monday, May 16, 2016

South Greets North Paint Out Returns,Tuesday, July 19, 2016! Sign Up Now!

NSAA Color Sketch, by Jody Regan

Last year, North Shore Arts Association invited a busload of enthusiastic painters from the South Shore of Boston to spend a day of plein air painting here in Gloucester. New friends were made and much fun was had by all!
The event proved to be so successful that the South Shore painters are reciprocating this year inviting North Shore painters to a day of painting around Cohasset Harbor, with a welcoming reception in the morning and afternoon wrap up reception at the South Shore Art Center.

COST: $40. is NON-REFUNDABLE and includes round-trip transportation. Learn all the best secret painting spots on the South Shore and meet a whole new group of painting partners. The camaraderie and fun of the bus trip alone is worth the cost of the trip!

SPACE IS LIMITED SO RESERVE YOUR SPOT NOW by contacting NSAA's North Shore Coordinator, Judythe Evans Meagher ( )

Friday, May 6, 2016

2016 North Shore Arts Association Season Opens With Four Major Exhibitions on View

Opening Day Excitement!!
Today, May 6th, 2016,  the North Shore Arts Association re-opens its doors to welcome  friends, patrons and the public for the opening day of its 94th Exhibition Season!
Four major exhibitions are on display; the acclaimed Robert Douglas Stephenson Retrospective (see April 28th post) in the Gordon Grant Room, the Ginger Greenblatt Solo Artist Member Show (see April 24th post) on the main floor hallways gallery, the juried Associates members Exhibition I in the main floor front gallery and the juried Artist Member Exhibition I, which encompasses the entire second floor Gallery.
Stop in to say hello anytime, and enjoy a continually changing display of artwork of the highest caliber. Please join us for our opening reception and a chance to "Meet The Artists" on Sunday May 15th, from 2 to 4 p.m. Bring a dish to share, if you care to, or just join in the fun and celebration of our 94th exhibition season.

2016 Artist Member Exhibition I Award Winners

BankGloucester Award
"The Bunny Whisperer"

Marguerite Phillips Neuhauser Shafer Memorial Award
"Grace Marie & Crane Oil"

Rosamond Smith Bouve Memorial Award
"Columbus Circle"

Paul Strisik Memorial Award
"Western Falls"

Gamblin Artist Colors Co. Award
"Summer Path"

Jack Richeson & Co., Inc. Award
"The Gathering, Piazza S. Marco"

Robert B. Donnelly, Jr., MD Memorial Award
"Fog Warning"

Michael Stoffa Memorial Award
 "Venetian Summer"

Art Supplies Wholesale Arts
"Smoke & Mirrors"